Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Power Of Shutting My Trap For A Change

Writen by Scott T. Love

I made a common mistake that most junior sales people make. I didn't shut my trap once I gave him the proposal. I was so nervous that the only thing that quelled my anxiety was the sound of my own voice that kept droning on and on and on like an annoying empty gong. It was almost as if the silence begged to be broken by my voice and I couldn't help myself. "And look how much we can save you on that 800 line," I said. No answer. Long pause. "And the calling cards, too. It's all there. Look at that, sir. See? See? That's big savings." No answer. Long pause. "Look at that. And the extra lines get the discount also. That's even more savings, sir." Long pause. Long pause. Long pause. More nervousness. "Did I tell you that our company was founded in . . ."

All of a sudden this quiet man finally said something, and it's something that I'll never forget. "Boy," he said in a thick mountaineer drawl, interrupting me right smack in the middle of my enthusiastic babbling. "I done bought from ya ten minutes 'go. But ya just tawked yersef outta it. You kin go now."

He bought from me ten minutes ago. I talked myself out of it. I could go now. But . . . it's not . . . fair, I thought to myself. No, it wasn't fair, but it was a great lesson on the power of silence. Sometimes silence can be a powerful force, powerful enough to close the deal for you. Powerful enough to even tear it apart after it already closed.

When you are on your next sales call, pay attention to how silence is used in the meeting:

1) After you present your formal proposal to your client, let them look at it. Let them be the ones to say something first. There is an old rule of thumb in the world of selling and negotiating that says whoever talks first loses. Let them bring up the questions and issues after you present it to them. If they don't say anything, then just let them mull it over. They'll ask you questions when they are ready. Don't appear too anxious to be the first one to speak.

2) Use silence to convey a point. When you are talking to someone and want to emphasize a key point, pause right before it. Say it like this: "Bob, this is why I think you need to consider our product. (pause, pause, pause). It's because of…" The longer pause gets their attention.

3) When you are asked a question, you don't need give the first answer that pops in your head. Give them the right answer. And if you need more time to answer their question, say, "That's a good question, Bob. Let me think about that for a second." More than anything, you will be considered a true professional that is giving serious thought to solving their problems.

4) Anytime you are in a negotiation, when someone makes an offer to you, pause before you give a response. It makes you seem more cautious and less eager. When it comes to making a concession, remember that the way you offer the concession is just as important as the concession you make. Pause before you concede as if you are reluctant to give something up. This shows the other party that you value your product or service and it increases the likelihood of you negotiating a better deal.

During your next meeting with a prospect, pay attention to how this tool of silence can be used, and how effective it is in your ability to influence others. And, if anything, at least it'll keep you from babbling your way out of a closed sale.

Copyright (c) 2006 Scott Love Scott Love equips sales people and managers with tools that double their performance. To have him speak at your next meeting or convention, contact him at 828-225-7700. Visit his website for free tools and resources,

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