Friday, February 20, 2009

25 Sales Fundamentals For Success

Writen by Tim Connor

1. Your attitudes are the significant contributors to your sales success or failure.

2. Make a sale, you will make a living. Sell a relationship and you can make a fortune.

3. People buy when they are ready to buy not when you need to sell.

4. When you sell price you rent the business. When you sell value you own it.

5. Your prospect will tell you what you need to tell them to sell them.

6. There is a time to sell and a time to prospect. Don't confuse them.

7. Selling is not a transaction but an opportunity to develop successful lasting relationships

8. People buy from people they trust.

9. If people want to do business together they won't let the details get in the way. If people don't want to do business together any detail will get in the way.

10. Time is your most important asset in selling. Use it wisely.

11. You don't turn poor prospects into customers with good products, sales presentations or closing techniques.

12. Promise a lot and deliver more.

13. Don't advertise in advance your willingness to make concessions.

14. If you want to sell more every year, get better every year.

15. Sell value and don't defend price.

16. Don't make commitments you can't honor or control.

17. Accurate sales records are not a luxury but a necessity.

18. Know your products and services better than anyone.

19. Prospect the entire organization not just your contact.

20. The close of the sale begins when the prospect agrees to see you.

21. Never give up control of the sales process.

22. People buy emotionally and justify their decisions logically.

23. Never project your buying prejudices into the sales process.

24. Negotiating begins after selling is over.

25. Fail often so you can succeed sooner.

Tim Connor, CSP is an internationally renowned sales, relationship, management and leadership speaker, trainer and best selling author. Since 1981 he has given over 3500 presentations in 21 countries on a variety of sales, management and relationship topics. He is the best selling author of over 60 books including; He can be reached at, 704-895-1230 or visit his website at

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