Sunday, July 20, 2008

Childish Selling Techniques Upset Customers

Writen by Lance Winslow

Many Used Car Salesmen and Self-Proclaimed Marketing Consultants who have written 3 or more books on the subject believe that we should look towards children to teach us the art of negotiation or sales. Sure such talk makes and interesting and lively line of conversation, but it is rather pathetic to actually teach salesmen or negotiators to act like this. After all isn't this what Iran is doing as it tries to negotiate the making of Atomic Bombs?

Some marketing gurus who are consultants and authors of marketing books tell us that children are worthy to study because they possess some of the following traits in their cry baby ways to get things; "Focus, persistence, intensity, enthusiasm and charm." Yet if we are listen to these gurus and experts in marketing they want us to use these techniques and act like children? Wow, and we are to actually take this as rational advise?

Children also lie, tell stories, manipulate, cry when they do not get their way and throw temper tantrums too. Is this what the world of business negotiation is coming too? It appears if we are to listen to these self-proclaimed might giants and pillars of intellectual capacity and marketing consultants; that indeed this is what we are to do and how we should act in business.

And folks this is why Donald Trumps pathetic showing of the Blame Game gone Ballistic in the Apprentice is so popular; Because we have allowed cheaters, manipulators and childish behavior into our business community and corporate boardrooms. So who is to blame? Well perhaps we all are for allowing this non-sense to permeate our society.

Lance Winslow

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