Relax. I'm not advocating any illegal activity or compromising behavior. However, consider this. Whether you're a sales professional positioning a product, a corporate executive proposing an idea or you're networking for your organization...are you not also selling yourself? If you're not for sale or horrified at the notion, keep reading. You may find some compelling reasons to consider a shift in thinking.
Recently I participated in a local networking event. I spent the morning with insurance agents, telecom sales representatives, and other individuals representing a wide variety of business interests. As one would expect, each participant took a turn sharing a well rehearsed "pitch" about their company's unique offerings and target audience. It was interesting and in most cases, obvious that time had been spent perfecting these mini-presentations. However, I'm not personally in the market for these specific services, so at best, I was modestly engaged.
That is until something unexpected grabbed my attention and stirred my curiosity. A bank executive shifted gears and began sharing his personal experience in the field. I heard examples of how he leveraged this experience to help clients find solutions to their financial challenges. The boutique nature of his bank in conjunction with his experience provided potential clients with creative options that most other banks could not provide. As he spoke his energy and enthusiasm drew me in. I was no longer listening to a bank executive; I was listening to Dave, the bank executive who successfully convinced me that should I need banking assistance - he's the person to speak to.
Effective selling is much more than having the right product with the best features and benefits, having the best idea or the lowest fees. If this was not the case, how would you make a sale when your product is not the best, your fees are higher or the idea you're proposing is riskier than some others? Often what tips the scale in your favor and differentiates you from the throngs of others competing for what you want is something as simple as "you". You are one of the key features and benefits associated with the product, the service or the idea someone is signing on for.
Consider your experience. Grab a sheet of paper to take an inventory of your experience. You might even ask a friend or colleague to help you.
What knowledge do you possess?
What's your personal track record in this area?
How do these things translate into meaningful benefits and end results for your prospective buyer?
Mortgage rates, value-added services or specific facts backing up an idea are always going to be important considerations for a prospective buyer. Yet, a buyer can't develop a relationship with these intangibles. Buyers establish these things with you, not your services or ideas. The problem arises when they don't know who you are or don't meet the real you. How can they know what their buying?
Pam was planning for a high stakes meeting to sell her new marketing strategies. She was full of nervous excitement and asked for help to ensure she was "calm and collected" for the big meeting. Pam is anything but a calm and collected person. She's high energy with boundless enthusiasm, a fast thinker and a fast talker. These are the powerful parts of her personality that are engaging, demonstrate her passion, and showcase the out-of the box thinking she brings to the table. This is the real Pam. People are swept up in her confidence, her conviction, and value the relationship that will become part of the package when buying her brilliant ideas. When she allows her true self to come out of hiding she's effective in selling the relationship.
When the "real" you shows up in a meeting, a social event, or a job interview what personal qualities are evident?
Next time you're preparing for any type of important presentation consider putting yourself up for sale.
Share something about yourself. How did you get involved with this field and what do you love about it? How did you arrive at this idea and why is it important to you?
Share examples of your personal impact. How did you use this experience to help a client? What were the end results of your efforts?
Allow your "true self" to show up. When we communicate with authenticity, our own energy, passion and conviction become infectious and a relationship blossoms.
Learning to sell yourself effectively is just as important as positioning your products, services or ideas properly. How you see yourself in this role is one component of a powerful mind set that makes sales.
Need some help? Certified by the International Coaching Federation, Diana Habich combines the best practices in coaching with 18 years of corporate sales experience to help clients achieve their sales and career development goals. Visit for a free no obligation consultation or to preview part one of her new eBook Sales By Design; Perspective, Proficiency & Process. You'll learn more about why perspective is important and how to establish a mind set that will help you sell yourself effectively.
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