I've been using a technique that has helped me to get business I otherwise wouldn't. This will get you more business also. It's so easy you're going to kick yourself for not thinking of it sooner.
Read through the newspaper everyday looking for news items or clips about local people in your territory that are or could become your customers. It can even be about a family member of theirs. Cut the article out and send it to them along with a card I've titled "You're in the News". The card congratulates them for being recognized for what ever it is they've done. Hand sign each card and mail them along with one of your business cards.
When I do this I always get some kind of feedback of appreciation when I come across those I've sent my "You're in the News" cards to. It's a great way to make people remember you and that you recognized them.
Recently a prospect that I had lost to a competitor two years before called me. He wanted to discuss making a purchase for his company. While we were on the phone he thanked me for the recognition I'd paid his company through my card. Although it had been mailed out over a week before he told me it was still sitting on his desk. From that call I was able to sell my product and to take over the service of the account we had lost. There is a strong possibility we will be getting additional business from him in the near future as well.
It just goes to show what I'd heard many times before "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care". Try this little gesture of recognition to your clients and prospects. It will work for you.
Here is a copy of what my card says:
On the front it says " You're In The News" in BIG BOLD LETTERS
The inscription reads:
It's always a pleasure to see those we know being recognized for accomplishments in their life. I read about you in the enclosed article which I've sent along for you. Congratulations on your success.
Depending on what has been written them you may want to modify what you say inside the card.
Be sure to enclose your business card for them. Do not use this as an opportunity to sell anything. Let the entire focus be on them. Your reward will come from increased business in the future.
© Bower Income and Profit Systems MMV All Rights Reserved.
James A. Bower is the Co-Founder and President of Bower Income and Profit Systems a company dedicated to enhancing business performance in many areas through tapes books and seminars. His presentations include sales, marketing, telephone skills, motivation, goal setting and achievement, telephone equipment and voice mail design and business organization for efficiency. He is an internationally recognized instructor and is the recipient of many awards in recognition of his successful efforts in assisting businesses create a more efficient environment resulting in maximum profits. He has had the opportunity to speak for groups as a large as 5000 and can get his points across to any size audience.
James has been actively addressing business issues and solving business problems for over 30 years. He is available to make presentations to company staff or for individual consultation.
Contact James at 316-773-1994 or jbower1@cox.net
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