Saturday, May 10, 2008

Sales Success Tips For 2006

Writen by Greg Beverly

If there is one thing that I could pass along to you to aid you in reaching your potential, it would be for you to take decisive, massive action. Do that which you have been saying for weeks or months, or even years, that you need to do, but have been putting off for whatever reason. They are not really reasons...they are excuses...and excuses are below the line. Excuses will ultimately cost you hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars over the course of a your life. Stop them now and start reaping the financial benefits that you were meant to enjoy.

This is the end of the fourth and final quarter of the year. We are about to enter a new calendar year. What plans do you have in place to make this your best year ever? Let me be clear. There is no waiting now. Today is the day to make your move forward. The time for excuses, the time for waiting is over. It's now or never. If not today, then when?

"Procrastination robs you of opportunity. It is a significant fact that no great leader was ever known to procrastinate. You are fortunate if AMBITION drives you into action, never permitting you to falter or turn back, once you have rendered a DECISION to go forward. Second by second, as the clock ticks off the distance, TIME is running a race with YOU. Delay means defeat, because no man may ever make up a second of lost TIME. TIME is a master worker which heals the wounds of failure and disappointment and rights all wrongs and turns all mistakes into capital, but, it favors only those who kill off procrastination and remain in ACTION when decisions are to be made."---Napoleon Hill

Has this year been all that it could have been? Have you left some on the table because you lacked certain skills or the energy, courage and persistence you needed to practice those skills?

Are you getting the results that you really believe that you are capable of? Have you done all the things you need to do to reach the level of success that you dream of?

There are valuable lessons to be learned with each and every setback or temporary challenge we encounter. Are you getting all you can from these challenges? Are you learning and taking steps to benefit from those learnings? Are you taking action?

Success comes to those that are ready. They have learned all the valuable lessons. But, there will be resistance all along the way. Resistance from others who will belittle your ideas. There will also be resistance from within yourself. Hopefully, we have all learned to ignore those who love to critique while taking no action themselves. The most dangerous of these two forms of resistance is without a doubt the resistance that comes from within. "I need to wait until I am ready." "I need to wait until I have more time." "I need to wait until things settle down." "I need to wait until I get things in order." To know all you need to know about these excuses, simply read the first four words and then you can stop...because you know all you have to know..."I need to wait..." If I had a dollar for every time I have heard the phrase, "I know I need to change some things, but I need to wait until..." I would be writing to you from my private island in the Caribbean. The only logical response to that question, is " long have you known and how long have you been waiting?"

With resistance must come persistence. No matter what the difficulty you must decide that you are bigger than this challenge and you will overcome it. many times that means overcoming yourself.

If you are struggling with mediocrity or worse, the first place to start is with yourself, with your mindset and your beliefs. Without the proper mindset, without the commitment to succeed, without the willingness to step outside your comfort zone, all the tools and strategies in the world will only lead to mediocrity.

Now is a fantastic time to really focus and put your foot on the accelerator. Finish up tasks that you have been putting on the back burner and persist in getting them done.


What do you know you should be doing? What skills do you need to develop or improve? How can you change your mindset for success, re-charge your desire and create new revenue and profit streams?

Persist. Make it a habit over the next couple of days to finish what you start. Be committed to finishing this year where you belong...on top.

Get serious. Get focused. Stop with the excuses. Start living the life you were meant to live.

Here's to your best year yet.

I KNOW you can do it.

Greg Beverly, CPA, MBA, has more than 21 years of experience working with sales and business professionals to help them achieve their financial and life's dreams. To receive a free 10 day sales success tips ecourse, visit

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