Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How To Sell A Cat Curiosity Of Course

Writen by Steve Martinez

They say that curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought it back. Another title for this article might be, "how to make more sales creating prospect curiosity." Now that you have read this, you should read a little further to capture the truth behind the statement. Isn't curiosity wonderful?

If I told you, you will find the secret of selling and marketing in the middle paragraph, would you stop reading? You're just like a cat, curious. You are thinking to yourself, you already know the answer, well, maybe you don't. It is the same with reading or watching a mystery. Even if we already know the butler did it, we want to know how and why. We can't stop! We must learn more to satisfy our curiosity.

Humans Are Curious - Sell This Curiosity Factor

We have probably lost more sales from lack of curiosity that anything else. If we can't create a little curiosity with our prospect, we won't sell them. It is like selling a cat. We must get their attention and create curiosity. Prospects are just as curious when we place doubt in their minds about their situation. If I can make a prospect wonder if my automated selling system will make a difference, I can capture more time with them. It is like a magnet pulling prospects in because, they must know if they are right or how my selling system will help them.

I talk to a lot of people. Some of them think they know all about an automated selling system. Maybe they think they tried one before. Some of them will say something like, "we already have a selling system." Wrong! Nothing could be further from the truth. I can't call them a liar. The fact is, most businesses don't have an automated selling system. If they do, it isn't anything like my system. In sales, our role is to create the curiosity factor. We need to create curiosity that challenges their thinking. The human quest for the truth will drive them to satisfaction. Remember, satisfaction brought the cat back. The same will happen with prospects.

Does Your Solution Have X?

Questions that invoke curiosity or challenge the prospects thinking work the best. When I was selling printing, prospects would often say, "we already have a printer." One of my best answers is, "oh, then I'm sure you're taking advantage of their (insert special feature)." this statement creates curiosity. When someone tells me they already have a selling system, I ask them, "how many action steps does it have?" or "does it follow the best practices of selling?"

Questions or statements that challenge prospects create curiosity and curiosity creates opportunity. Learning to ask good questions and make good statements is the mark of a good salesperson.

Steve Martinez is the Founder of Selling Magic. He makes selling easy! Discover how his selling system can revolutionize your business.

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