How often do you use stories to color your sales presentations?
Answer: Not enough!
I guarantee you would use them more if you knew how powerful they are in determining the outcome of the sale!
Telling stories is an effective and exciting way to deliver valuable information about your product or service. It also makes your prospect feel at ease with you, which means that they will not only enjoy speaking with you, but also enjoy buying from you.
The Makings of a Great Story
Your customer should be the focus of your story. Obviously the specific customer you're speaking with won't be a part of the story, but you should never forget they are the purpose for your story.
Your customers want to hear stories that speak to them. Tell them stories that they will be able to relate to personally; stories that address their concerns about buying from you. This means your story must favorably answer the essential questions customers ask themselves before making the purchase:
Do I like this salesperson?
The impression you leave on your prospect plays a key role in how that person views your product and company. When a customer feels connected with you, they will also feel connected with your product. Effective storytelling is personal, real, and makes the customer feel as relaxed as they would be speaking with an old friend. There is NO other way to match the type of connection a great story can create.
Do I trust this salesperson?
Customers don't want to hear how great you think your product is. Of course you would say it's great; you're trying to sell it! As salespeople, we often have a credibility gap to overcome. A success story about a prospect who loves your product will ALWAYS be more credible than your boasting of dry facts.
How risky is this purchase?
Customers won't buy if they think the purchase is too risky. If they are uncertain about the benefits of your product or are afraid it won't work as well as you say it will, they won't chance it! Use stories to calm these fears. Hearing how previous customers have felt the same anxiety, but were happy after they decided to buy from you will help them feel more secure. Knowing that your product has helped others will show them that it could also work for them. Once those fears are gone, they will feel confident doing business with you.
Can I see myself using this product?
As soon as your prospects can visualize themselves using and enjoying your product, the sale has been made. Telling great stories will help your customers visualize this. Hearing how others have benefited will spark their imagination. They will relate to the customers in your story and envision their own lives after the purchase of your product. Understanding the true value and benefit of your product will inspire them to buy it!
Am I excited about this purchase?
Customers want to enjoy their buying experiences! If they aren't excited, they won't feel driven to buy from you. Let them relax and enjoy themselves! Listening to success stories about previous customers will make new customers feel happy as well. They'll be more likely to buy if they enjoy speaking with you and feel the excitement you and others have for your product. Soon, your new customers will want to experience it for themselves!
The Best Place to Find a Great Story
So you've been selling your product for quite some timethink you have a whole bag of stories waiting to be told? I promise there are more. There are many more great stories hiding in the minds and memories of all the people in your company and industry. Unlock these stories and share them!
One of the easiest ways to collect these stories is to share them at every sales meeting. Go around the table and let everyone share a story about how a customer has successfully used your product.
Take the time to document these important stories to give them lasting value. When a new employee can read through a collection of success stories, they will instantly believe in your company and your product. When an employee believes in your product, they will be able to confidently and effectively sell it to others. Your collection of stories will be one of the few things that will be transferable from one salesperson to another; giving new employees instant access to countless stories for each new customer they come in contact with.
Telling stories is a simple, yet powerful way to connect with your customers. It makes others feel at ease speaking with you and feel confident in their decision to buy from you. Understanding the power of stories will also give you a clear edge over your competition.
Picture this: Your competitors will talk to the same customers you will. While your competitors ramble on about the features and superiority of their products, you will be telling engaging, entertaining and effective stories about how your product has helped REAL customers. Which person would YOU rather listen to? Which one would YOU rather buy from? Give customers what they want to hear, and they'll give you the sales you want!
Tom Richard conducts seminars on sales and customer service topics nationwide. Tom is also the author of Smart Salespeople Don't Advertise: 10 Ways to Outsmart Your Competition With Guerilla Marketing, and publishes a free weekly ezine on selling skills titled Sales Muscle. To subscribe to this free weekly ezine go to
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