Often in sales a prospect may say they are not interested in your product or service at this time, as it is new on the market or your company is new to the area or region. And without a track record, well let's just say they do not want to buy the first two-hundredth of anything built or be the first Guinea Pig to become a test case and end up falling on their face with egg splatter marks on it. Luckily in sales this is not a "NO" or a "No Way" but rather a wait and see approach.
Now then if you are too pushy with the prospect you can turn the "wait and see" to a "get the hell out of here; NO!" and so you need to handle these objections with white gloves. Many sales books will tell you that you need to bring the buyer back into the buying cycle.
This of course requires establishing a relationship, dialogue and getting to any "Real" objections. They may indeed feel that the "too new" objection is indeed a valid one, yet you probably as a sales person do not feel it is, because you believe in your product. That is a good thing and you darn well better believe in whatever you are selling.
If they say the product is too new, boomerang it and let them know, you realize that and you want them to be the first in the area to have one. Additionally ask them what they are worried might go wrong. Those parts maybe under warranty. If they say you are too new in the region and you are service business, offer them a trial service, one month only. "If you like us, keep us, if not no hard feelings okay?" Consider all this in 2006.
Lance Winslow
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