Writen by Kurt Mortensen
Your prospect has seen your product/service and needs it, wants it and can afford it. He is wearing a badge that says convince me. He is right on the edge and his rubber band is tight, but he always blames someone else for his inability to make a decision. Dissonance will seal the deal!
When we feel cognitive dissonance, we have to find a way to deal with the psychological tension. We have an arsenal of tools at our disposal to help us return to cognitive consistency.
* Denial--To shut out the dissonance, you deny there is a problem. You do this either by ignoring or demeaning the source of the information. You might also deliberately misperceive the confronting position.
* Reframe--You change your understanding or interpretation of the meaning. This leads you to either modify your own thinking or devalue the importance of the whole matter, considering it unimportant altogether.
* Search--You are determined to find a flaw in the other side's position, to discredit the source, and to seek social or evidentiary support for your own viewpoint. You might attempt to convince the source (if available) of his error.
* Separation--You separate the attitudes that are in conflict. This compartmentalizes your cognitions, making it easier for you to ignore or even forget the discrepancy. In your mind, what happens in one area of your life (or someone else's) should not affect the other areas of your life. (Blame)
* Rationalization--You find excuses for why the inconsistency is acceptable. You change your expectations or try to alter what really happened. You also find reasons to justify your behavior or your opinions.
* Modify--You change your existing cognitions to achieve consistency. Most of the time this involves admitting you were wrong and making changes to remedy your errors.
Let's use a waterslide for an example of how your prospect is using dissonance to not purchase your product/service. Remember the closer you get to seal the deal the tighter the rubber band or dissonance becomes. The fear of making a mistake, buying the wrong product, or getting misled, all tighten the rubber band. Just like the slide. The higher they go up, the fear increases with the distance from the ground. Let's say you want to persuade someone to go down the largest waterslide in the world. It is the highest, the fastest and even does a 360. You know people will love this thrill ride, once you can get them to take it. Just looking at this slide scares people - like buying the wrong product.
This first thing to do is to get them into the doors of your water park. How can you get them just to drive down and enter the water park? The 2 biggest factors are Social Validation and Involvement. (Review if needed)
Your prospect is now in the park and walking towards the slide and sees the height and 360. There is a little fear, just like the normal buying process. That fear is now triggering some dissonance and he is looking for things that might give him a reason to back out. This could be the 3 R's of Resistance or the 5 C's of Trust. (Review below if needed)
Character - Integrity, Honesty, Sincerity
Competence - Knowledge, Intelligence, Ability
Confidence - Assurance, Belief, Conviction
Credibility - Truthful, History, Experience
Congruence. - Consistency, Harmony, Words Match Your Actions
For additional information on Sliding Sales, go to Magnetic Persuasion and kick start your success!
Do you want to know why your prospects aren't buying from you? There are three R's or three things you need to understand if people walk out that door and don't purchase from you. Most people are wearing a badge that says convince me, help me make a good decision. They need and want help. They want to be confident in making the right choice. That is what a great persuader does.
If you violate any of the C's of Trust of the R's of Resistance, you have lost the sale and they will no longer follow you to the top of the waterslide. You have told them this would be the greatest, most incredible ride they will ever experience. Those emotions are starting to subside and all they see is the height of the waterslide and the screams of the patrons going down the waterslide. Let's take each form of dissonance resolution, using the waterslide example.
As they approach the stairs and the impending task ahead starts to become reality. Just like the impending event of having to make a decision about your product/service. The prospect starts to go up the stairs, but has not made a decision to buy or go down the slide. This first phase they could go through denial. Usually with denial, the prospect does not give you the real reason for leaving. Your prospect decides to go back down the stairs. He could say, I forgot something, I have a meeting, or you could hear this is a scam or I don't trust/like you.
Let's say your prospect is continuing up the stairs to the worlds tallest water slide. They still have not mentally made the decision to go down the slide. They are checking it out. There could a reframe. Most times with a reframe the prospect will spout of issues that you already covered, but they choose to reinterpret. He could say, this is not safe, there is no guarantee, I need more facts, or this does not fit my needs. Your prospects got nervous and tense as he approached the final decision or the water slide. He chooses to take the elevator down.
Let's say you prospect is still climbing the stairs with you. Again he still has not made the decision to go down the slide. He is getting closer and the rubber band is tightening. You could find the Search function of dissonance. He could say, I need to think about it, I need to talk to my friends, I need to read consumer reports. He stops off half way to the top, says good bye and stays at the mid way restaurant. He starts talking to the patrons of the restaurant. The first nine say it is the greatest thing he could ever do and they highly recommended it. Then the 10th person said, that slide is not safe, I did not like it and I will never do it again. That's all it took, your prospect is gone. Even though it was a 10-1 ratio, your prospect will rely on the one bad review.
OK, your prospect is still climbing the stairs with you and saying, I am going to do this. I am nervous, but I think it will be fun. Even though you have the commitment, the tension is still there. Your prospect could run into the Separate function of dissonance. They know they made the commitment to go down the slide so they start the blame game. My spouse would never let me do this, I have a bad back, or I need to talk this over with my doctor. There is a lower slide at this point. It is nothing like the world famous slide, but your prospect decides to take this inferior slide back down to the ground.
Let's say your prospect passed the first slide and is still climbing with you to the top slide. As you approach his dissonance and rubber band are tightening. He could experience the rationalize. He made the commitment to go down, but you are so high off the ground, he is getting nervous. He starts to reach for anything that could get him out of his commitment. He says, this slide is too expensive, I could break my neck, The water park down on the other side of town has better water slides. There happens to be another smaller water slide and your prospect takes that one to the ground.
Wait, let's say your prospect has by passed all forms of dissonance and it heading for the world best, tallest slide. Could it be true? Is he going to take the plunge? Congratulations, you passed as a persuader. Your prospect says, Let's looks great, I trust you, Let's do it. He takes the slide and when he meets up with you he says, I was a little nervous, the slide was great. Thanks for convincing me to do it.
Case Study What laws should you use to Counter each form of Dissonance reduction?
Legitimate Power
Authority Power
Social Validation
Verbal Packaging
Modify (help keep the deal)
Everyone persuades for a living. There's no way around it. Whether you're a sales professional, an entrepreneur, or even a stay at home parent, if you are unable to convince others to your way of thinking, you will be constantly left behind. Get your free reports at Magnetic Persuasion to make sure that you are not left watching others pass you on the road to success. Donald Trump said it best, "Study the art of persuasion. Practice it. Develop an understanding of its profound value across all aspects of life."
Persuasion is the missing puzzle piece that will crack the code to dramatically increase your income, improve your relationships, and help you get what you want, when you want, and win friends for life. Ask yourself how much money and income you have lost because of your inability to persuade and influence. Think about it. Sure you've seen some success, but think of the times you couldn't get it done. Has there ever been a time when you did not get your point across? Were you unable to convince someone to do something? Have you reached your full potential? Are you able to motivate yourself and others to achieve more and accomplish their goals? What about your relationships? Imagine being able to overcome objections before they happen, know what your prospect is thinking and feeling, feel more confident in your ability to persuade.
Kurt Mortensen teaches over a hundred techniques to give you the ability to effectively work with every customer that walks in your door. Professional success, personal happiness, leadership potential, and income depend on the ability to persuade, influence, and motivate others. Learning how to persuade and influence will make the difference between hoping for a better income and having a better income.
If you are ready to claim your success and learn what only the ultra-prosperous know, begin by going to http://www.PreWealth.com and getting my free report "10 Mistakes That Continue Costing You Thousands." After reading my free report, go to http://www.PreWealth.com/IQ and take the free Persuasion IQ analysis to determine where you rank and what area of the sales cycle you need to improve in order to close every sale!