Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Three Cup System For Selling

Writen by Steve Martinez

Sometimes, the genius of selling anything is breaking it down to the simplest concept. I was having a conversation with a prospect when they asked me how much my automated selling system cost. If you are in sales, you know this is a buying signal. It is also a critical point in the sales process. The goal at this point, is to keep them interested. Keep them talkking. You want to learn as much as you can about them, their situation and how your services can help them. You want to build a strong case for your services. We don't want to scare the prospect away with a price point that hasn't been validated as a solution to a challenging problem they have.

I already asked enough questions to estimate they are a good prospect. I just needed more information to build a case for my selling solution. I briefly explained how my automated selling system would increase sales. They fit my typical profile and appeared very interested. They also wanted to know how much it cost. My answer was simple. I said, "You can enjoy this automated selling system for less than a cup of coffee a day." I then asked my next probing question about their current sales program. It was too early to get into the value topic.

If you enjoy the dark brew, you know that a cup of coffee ranges all over the place. You also know that it depends upon where, what blend and what size cup you order. That cup of coffee could range from $2.50 to $5.50 or more. What is important is to satisfy the initial curiosity of the prospect. Because they can relate to the coffee example, it usually fits a perceived low budget, everyday purchase. More importantly, they remain interested.

How to Lose a Sale – Blurt Your Price Too Early

I believe, if I had blurted out the estimated cost of my selling system, in real dollars, they would have made a quick value judgment that my services and system are too high. If I can't develop a case for the advantages my selling system provides, I can't sell my system to anyone. I need information from my prospects to share the clear facts about my system. When a prospect understands they can accomplish 10 times more than they are now and be in more selling opportunities, they become very interested. If you sell a value added service, you know what I'm talking about.

Incidentally, a prospect can finance my business development services, which automates the selling process, works with ACT or Outlook, for one to five cups of coffee a day. This is a value investment my clients are very happy to make. They are happy because of the advantage they get over their competition. However, they only understand the value of my services when I am able to show them how it will impact them. I can only gain a clear understanding of their situation, if I ask good questions and discover their pain in selling. It all comes down to value.

When you are confronted with the question of, "how much is your system", break it down to a simple factor they can relate to. You won't scare them off and you will have a better opportunity to build a case for a wise investment in your services. It works for me, it can work for you.

Steve Martinez is the Founder of Selling Magic. He is revolutionizing Sales Management by automating the selling process. Ask for a "Sales Analysis" and subscribe to his ezine to Increase sales with the best practices of sales management at

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